Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Fun facts about New Zealand.

   Three fun facts about New Zealand 

1.  The North Island was fished from the sea by Maui, a demigod.

2.  Maui  fishing hook was made his grandmother's jawbone. 

3.  Auckland is the biggest city in New Zealand but Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.


  1. Kia Ora Hevaha,

    I'm Lee, one of the Summer Learning Journey blog commentors. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's blogs this summer!
    Thanks for beginning the journey so well.
    The fact I like the most of yours is the one about Maui's fishing hook. I didn't know that it was made from his grandmother's jawbone!
    Are the any other facts on the website that you like? I found quite a lot that I didn't know!
    I can't wait to read more of your writing, keep it up!
    - Lee

  2. Great start to the SLJ Hevaha...you've still got time to get some more done before school starts on 30th. Do you know what the first capital of New Zealand was? Keep blogging - you can do it!
