Friday 21 June 2019

Basic Facts

This week I have been doing prototec. Prototec is an app that you can go onto learn maths and other things as well. I got 82% on stage 6 timed. I got somethings wrong too. You can have a look at it.


Monday 17 June 2019

Buddhist Temple

Last week Thursday room’s 6,7,11 and 10  had to visit the Buddhist Temple.
We were ready in the bus  just before the bell rang. When the bell rang
first one of the teachers checked that we were all there.

First when we arrived  we line up behind the lady that was holding a
sign that said number three. Also the other class’s was all so behind
a lady too. One of the parents came with us to the buddhist temple.

Next they took us inside to have a look. The first thing that that
showed us that's their master that wrote all the stuff that was hanging
on the wall. Is was 93 years old he was still alive but, he was not in
New Zealand.

Then the lady took us to this place that had things like doing good
deeds and all those kind of things and that.

After that we had to eat. The things that we ate was brownes and
some water. Then we had to get some cookies to eat. After that we
had to go back to the line and we had to sit down for a while. When
we sat down we close our eyes and think about who are we kind to.
That was called a meditation.

Finally we had to go back on the bus and come back to school.

I felt amazing after I came I felt exhausted.