Thursday, 2 December 2021

NASA Art Book


 Today in class we had to complete a NASA art book from the Summer Learning Journey. The image above is a image I picked to colour. It was very simple to complete. I really enjoyed doing this active and if you want to give it a go press this link . I also can't wait to do more over the holidays. Have a good day ! 

Friday, 19 November 2021

My Online reading Quiz

Today our class was told to do our Myon. The top picture is the book a read about. The second picture is my score. This book was pretty hard but it was also fun to read. There would be normally 5 questions but for some reasons I got 10. I am happy about my score but next time I should try to read a harder book.  

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Basic Facts stage 7 - 2021

 Today our class was told to do our Prototec, we had to compare our last score to this one. For my last prototec I got 80%  and this time I have 92%. 92% isn't bad but, my teacher wants us to reach 95% to move to the next level. I still have to work on a few things then I will be able to reach the 95% that my teacher wants.  

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Climate Change - DLO

This blog post is about Climate Change. In class this whole week we have been  learning about Climate and some ways to stop it . In this slideshow are some facts and some information about Climate. I have learnt a lot about Climate change and also hoping you will learn something new too . 

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

My science investigation

Today in our science class we did our first investigation. we had to go get a smartwatch to see how fast our heart can pump. The first activity we did was sitting down and for that I got 109mmHg.  We also had to sit down for 30 seconds. Next we had to stand up and jog on our spot for about 30 seconds again for that I got 134mmHg After that we had to go get a tennis ball and throw it to your partner for 30 seconds again. Also for that I got 126mmHg. Then we had to stretch and do start jumps for 30 seconds. For doing stretching I got 126mmHg and for start jump I got 111 mmHg. Lastly I had to go outside and run as fast as I can for 30 seconds and for that I got 154 mmHg

Difference Between Heart Rate And Pulse Rate in Tabular Form 

Friday, 13 August 2021

Girls self - defence class

 Today the girls in year 7 and 8 from room 6 and 7 did self - defence class. We were sent to room 12 to our teacher Audrey. She was teaching us how to defence us girls from boys that are acting us or even someone older that is trying to kill us. We were really interested in her stories that she told us. We were also learning how to yell out if you need help.  She was also really fun to talk too. We were also learnt how to attack when someone comes behind us. My favourite part was when I learnt how to attack when someone was trying to pull me from the floor. At the end everyone got certificates. 

Osmosis and Transpiration

 First we had to fill up our conical flask with water up to 250ml. Also we had to up the celery. Next we had to choose what food colour to put in. So I chose red. We had to put 10 drops in the conical flask together with the water. Then we put in the celery, wrap a plastic bag on top of the leaves and tie it around.  Now we had to wait 30mins. After that we opened the bag up and the colours has went up the stem and changed it colours.

Transpiration Stream

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Acids and Bases

 Today in science  we were learning about acids and bases . First we had to watch a video  about acids and bases , just after that our teacher showed us another video about dipping litmus paper into different kind of things. E.g baking soda, Distilled water, window cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, lemon juice, milk, orange juice, apple juice, vinegar, detergent, tea and coffee . Then we took our  litmus paper, one was red and the other was blue, we dipped them in each one to see if they will change colours. 

here are the results  :) 

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Science Technology

Today in science we were learning about to make bubbles and tricks you can do with bubbles. First we were writing the equipment and stuff we need to make are bubbles. Next are teacher Mrs Sharma gave us the equipment to make our  bubbles. Then we needed to grab a beaker and fill 150 mls of water. Then we put 5 grams of sugar inside are water and stir it around to make it dissolve. Next we put in soap and glycerol inside are water and stirred it slowly to make are bubbles. Then we made are wand and grabbed straws to blow are bubbles. Finally we started to make blowing our bubbles. We also had to make caterpillars and also learning how to make a cube inside a bubble. The high score was 7 but I only got 5. :) 

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

E-asttle - Math Test

Today we did our E-asttle - Math Test . I tried really hard because, last term I was not happy with my score. This term I achieve 5P and last term I achieve a 2P which was not the score my teacher was looking for. I am really happy to see that I have improved a lot. Hopefully I will do better.

E-asttle - Math Test ( Numbers )

Today we did our E-asttle - Math Test . Everything was doing right until it got harder and harder. In term one I achieve 3A and this term I achieve 4B, which is a pretty big step. I am really happy to see that I have improved a lot. Also I hope I will do better next time. 


Tuesday, 22 June 2021

E-asttle - Reading Test

 Today we did our E-asttle -  Reading Test . It was kind of hard doing this reading test. It was a bit harder than the other test. It started of easy and got harder and harder. For my term one test I achieve a 2P and this term I achieved a 4B. I am really happy that I really improved a lot. I am also hoping I will do better next time. 

Technology Week 5 ( Flowers parts )

Today in science we were learning about flower parts. Our flower that we were learning about was the hibiscus. We were also learning about the female part and the male part. The first thing Mrs  Sharma showed us what a video about the hibiscus. Next we had to draw a hibiscus flower and label the parts. Then Mrs Sharma handed around a chopping board and a knife to dissect a hibiscus. While she did that we had to  watch a video and while we were watching we were dissecting the hibiscus from part to part. After that  we took the pollen from the hibiscus and mash it up and put it on glass slide and a cover slide.  Finally we put two drops of water on the pollen, and then put it under the microscope. It was very clear to see and yellow. It was really fun to see everyone's reaction to see different things under the microscope. 

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Word Art

Today I created a chameleon using wordart. The reason we did this because we read a story about afakasi chameleon and it tell about her her life and where she is from. This chameleon has everything about me   


Thursday, 3 June 2021

Technology Week 4

Today in science we did our first  experiment. 

First we poured 100ml of cold water into the beaker.

Next we had to scoop 10g of sugar into the petri dish and put it on to the weighing machine.

After we have did that we started our timer, poured the sugar in and stirred it with a stirring rod until all the sugar was dissolved.

Also we used 100 ml of hot water and another 10g of sugar then started our timer and stirred the water again until the sugar was dissolved. 

The faster one to dissolve was the one in hot water.

The time for the sugar in the cold water to dissolve was 1min 5sec

The time for the sugar in the hot water to dissolve was 22sec

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Technology - science

 Today in Technology we had exchanged from cooking to science. Today in science we were learning about how does the plane fly. Now for the plane to fly it needs thrust, lift, drag and weight. We even made paper planes to see how far they will go. My first try was 2.40cm, my second try was 3.40cm and my last try was 4.50. I think the reason it was not even flying far enough because it had so much weight but, I tired.

Thrust - helps the plane go forward

Lift - helps to keep it up in the air.

Drag  -  is the force that slows the plan down 

Weight -  is caused by gravity and is what forces the plane down

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Technology - Cooking

 Today in Technology - Cooking  we were making crepes. Crepes are thin pancakes, we add some other things inside it too.  Our first try was not good but  we were able to do it right. We had 2 more lesson so everyone was happy to hear that we have 2 more lessons on cooking. 

When we were done cooking it we add some ice cream and other things to make it nice. Also the people in groups of 3 only have 1 and the people in groups of 2 had 1 and a half. 

1 cup of plain flower 

1/2 of milk 

1/2 water 

1 tesp vanilla 


Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Technology - Cooking

 In the first week of Technology - Cooking  we made smooths with ( baby spinach and also some fruits), witch was my favourite. We also had to bring our own container because if we do want to take our food with us, we are able to take them along with us. The other thing was that we weren't allowed to eat until we have cleaned everything. I really have to improve my drying skills. I really enjoyed cooking with my other team mates hopefully I will have cooking again :) 

Friday, 9 April 2021

Cybersmart Challenge 4 Bookmarks

For Cybersmart Challenge number  4. We had to screenshot our bookmarks and explain about why we have those bookmarks and why they are useful. This was sort of hard because we had to see which student has the most useful bookmarks that will help him / her in their learning. I have learnt that we should always have helpful bookmarks. 

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Cybersmart Challenge 3 Screenshots

 For this Cybersmart Challenge 3, we had to screen shot our Class site, School site, My blog and my Class blog. I thought this would be hard but not going to lie I  really enjoyed this one. I have also learnt for my ( short cut Cybersmart Challenge that we use Ctrl + window) . 

Hope you enjoy it :) 

Know your keyboard

                                                Cybersmart Challenge No. 2 

Today for Cybersmart Challenge number 2, we had to know our keyboard. 
This  activity was sort of difficult because we had to write down all the shortcuts of how to get things on our chromebooks. I was confused in the beginning but I was getting there in the end . I really enjoyed doing this because I also learnt new shortcuts of how to get things on my chromebook.  

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Cybersmart - kawa care activities

A. 2
For this Cybersmart - Kawa care activities we had to drag the words to the right sensectens. So we had to see if it makes sense. The thing I learnt from this was the rules we had to use while using our Chromebook. You may have to follow these rules because you might not know it may break.   


Cybersmart - kawa care activities

Cybersmart # 1

A. 1 

Today Room 6 and I had to complete 3 activities from the Manalakaian.  This active is about teaching us how to look after our Chromebook. The activity was to drag the word that goes with the sentence. This was really amazing to learn about because not everyone in my class does all these things. 

Cybersmart - kawa care activities

                                   Cybersmart # 1


For the last activity for this Cybersmart - Kawa Activities, it was interesting because we had to get an photo of ourselves and read whats around it. I have learnt to look after my chromebook more often.  

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

e-asttle Assessment


This is my Maths Assessment results, my current curriculum level was 2A so I moved up 8 steps and right now I am on 5P. I have improved more than I expected. This test was a bit hard but I was able to get 
through it.

Friday, 5 February 2021

All about me

Kia Ora bloggers my name is Hevaha & I am a child from Glen Innes School.

Disliking & liking things...

I don't like it when we read books and it takes long, but I 

Like learning new words from the book. I also can use 

Them on my writing. Books can also lead me somewhere 

In the future. Well, I like writing as well as maths. The reason 

Why I like maths more than writing is because maths can help

You with, whatever you go through.   

My Goals for this year are….

To get 4P or 4B for my test’s 

Also so try everything no matter what 

I want to read more books so I will get better ideas from it. 

 My favourite…. 

Shoe Brand : Nike & Adidas

Animals : I am not a big fan of animals 

Favourite Teacher ( @ my school ) Mrs Petersen

Subject : Writing 

Sport : VolleyBall